Erply app store integration

Erply app store integration works automatically. However, you will have to make sure that the appropriate group has required permissions:

Other apps and API access is required. All integration is performed using via API.

Full product catalog, prices and inventory quantities are required for most analytics.

Custom reports need to read some or all documents for analysis. Creating new documents is required for purchase planning inventory balancing.

Access to reports (specifically reports API) is required in most cases.

Reading suppliers is required for some built in filters and purchase planner to work.

Inventory levels and inventory reports are required for any reports that deal with inventory.

Locations are required if you want to access any data in the reports.

Store regions, product groups, categories and brands are required for some built-in filters and reports to work.

My company information is required for some additional information like time zone and currency. 

Common problems and solutions

👉 Erply users cannot access Analytics

Initially only the user who installed the app will have access to analytics.

Analytics maintains its own user registry. Please refer Users and Permissions instructions.

NOTE: If Erply user name is not in email format the user login name must be in format <client-code>/username 

Data is not becoming available

Most likely this problem is caused by insufficient permissions.

Please check the app logs. If you see message like below then check is the automation group has appropriate permissions.

The app checks the permissions before data sync can happen. 

UNKNOWN_ERROR : failed dynamic call for reports: (reports): ErplyApi error [200] while requesting (getProducts); api code: 1060; field: ; message: error

The app checks the permissions before data sync can happen.  The logs are not retained for extended period of time so it it advisable to check them shortly after scheduled data sync. See more here: Troubleshooting Erply App Store Integration 

Alternatively it is possible to set up external schedule by following this guide: Erply Integration 

When does the data sync?

Data sync occurs daily shortly after midnight. It is important to have your account's time zone set correctly as the automation uses it to determine when is midnight.

See more here: Troubleshooting Erply App Store Integration 

I installed the app manually. How do I add a link to the main menu?

In the app developer mode find the page abi-ready-page and click view button. When the page is open in browser copy the link and add it to the menu using menu editor:


 Where cluster is your application cluster (eg au, eu, us), and client code your account's client code eg 123456

Installing app manually

Please refer to the step by step guide here: App Installation Guide