Shopify Dashboards Guide

This guide will help you navigate and understand the three main dashboards available: Forecast Dashboard, Sales Overview and Inventory Overview.

Forecast dashboard

The Forecast Dashboard provides insights into both sales and forecasted sales, helping you predict and analyze performance.

Online orders

This section contains a combined line and bar graph that compares the forecasted online orders, last year's online orders, and actual online orders over time.

In-person orders

This section contains a combined line and bar graph that compares the forecasted in-person orders, last year's in-person sales, and actual in-person orders over time.

Unit sales

This section contains a combined line and bar graph that compares the forecasted total saless, last year's total sales, and actual total sales over time.

Running out of stock

This section includes a table detailing products at risk of running out of stock. It provides a snapshot of inventory levels, demand forecasts, and necessary actions to maintain stock levels.

Read more about our forecasting tool here.

Overall, the dashboard offers a comprehensive view of sales forecasts, year over year actual performance to support decision-making processes.

Sales overview

The Sales dashboard gives us insights with a special focus on the sales

Top 10 locations

This section features a table that ranks sales locations based on net sales. Here's what each column represents:

Location sales

In this section is a pie chart that visually represents sales by location. Each slice of the chart corresponds to a location, with larger slices indicating higher sales percentages. Hover over the graphic for more details.

Top 10 product types.

This section contains a ranking of the sales of each product type based on net sales. It includes:

Sales by product type

This pie chart offers a visual representation of the top 10 product types. Hover over any slice to see the exact sales percentage for that product type.

Top 10 vendors.

This section ranks your vendors by net sales, providing:

Sales by vendor

A pie chart in this section visualizes sales by vendor. Hover over a slice to display sales percentage of each vendor.

Sales by weekday and location

A heat map in this section visualizes sales by weekday and location. Hover over a slice to display values. The x-axis displays the weekday, y-axis the location and the z-axis is the sales quantity. 

Sales by weekday and hour

A heat map in this section visualizes sales by weekday and hour. Hover over a slice to display values. The x-axis displays the weekday, y-axis the hour of day and the z-axis is the sales quantity.

Overall, the dashboard offers a comprehensive view of sales forecasts, actual performance, and inventory management to support decision-making processes.

Inventory performance

This guide will help you to understand how to use the dashboard to gain insights into your inventory data.

Inventory performance by product type

This section features a combined line and bar graph to analyze inventory performance by product type. Here's how to read it:

Top 10 inventory levels by product type

This table ranks the top 10 product types based on inventory performance, showcasing:

Inventory performance by vendor

This section features another combined line and bar graph, but this time focusing on inventory performance by vendor. Here's how to interpret it:

Top 10 inventory levels by vendor

This table ranks the top 10 product types based on inventory performance, showcasing:

Need restock

This section uses our forecast tool to provide insights on restocking needs. It includes:

Read more about our forecasting tool here.

The Inventory Performance Dashboard provides a comprehensive view of inventory performance, helping you manage your stock levels efficiently. Use these insights to optimize your inventory, increase sales and maximize profits.