Comparison reports
Our comparison reports are designed to identify the most profitable aspects of your sales, including locations, products, and vendors.
Frequently Sold Items
The "Frequently Sold Items" report ranks the fastest-moving items in your Shopify shop within a selected date range. This report is sorted by the number of orders and includes the following columns:
Product Title: The name of the item, ranked by sales.
Orders Including This Item: The number of orders that include the specific product.
Line Item Quantity: The actual quantity of sales for the product.
Average Items per Order: The average number of items per order, calculated by dividing the line item quantity by the number of orders.
Line Item Net: The monetary value of sales for the product.
Sales Profit: The net sales profit for the product.
Sales by Location
The "Sales by Location" report ranks locations by their net sales, providing valuable insights for businesses with multiple locations. This report includes:
Location Name: The name of the location.
Net Sales: The monetary value of sales by location within the specified time range.
Sales Profit: The profit per location within the date range.
Discounts: The total discounts per location within the date range.
Cost of Sales: The cost involved in directly producing goods or services per location.
Units Sold: The quantity of units sold by location.
Number of Orders: The number of orders by location within the date range.
Sales by Product Type
The "Sales by Product Type" report ranks product types by their net sales within a selected time range. This report includes:
Product Type: The name of the product type.
Net Sales: The monetary value of sales by product type within the specified time range.
Sales Profit: The profit per product type within the date range.
Discounts: The total discounts per product type within the date range.
Cost of Sales: The cost involved in directly producing goods or services per product type.
Units Sold: The quantity of units sold by product type.
Number of Orders Including Items of This Type: The number of orders by product type within the date range.
Sales by Vendor
The "Sales by Vendor" report ranks vendors by their net sales within a selected time range. This report includes:
Vendor: The name of the vendor.
Line Item Net: The monetary value of sales by vendor within the specified time range.
Sales Profit: The profit per vendor within the date range.
LineNumber of Orders Including Items from This Vendor: Item Discount: The total discounts per vendor within the date range.
Cost of Sales: The cost involved in directly producing goods or services per vendor.
Units Sold: The quantity of units sold by vendor.
Number of Orders Including Items from This Vendor: The number of orders by vendor within the date range.
Sales by Weekday and Hour
The "Sales by Weekday and Hour" report breaks down sales hourly and by weekday. This report is sorted in ascending order and includes:
Hour: The hour of the day when the sale occurred.
Weekday: The day of the week when the sale occurred.
Sales: The monetary value of sales for a particular hour on a specific weekday.
Orders: The number of orders for a particular hour on a specific weekday.
Units Sold: The number of physical units sold within the hour.
Sales by Weekday and Location
The "Sales by Weekday and Location" report shows sales for each location for every day of the week. This report includes:
Location: The location where the sales occurred.
Weekday: The day of the week.
Net Sales: The total sales for that location on that weekday.
Sales Profit: The total profit for that location on that weekday.
Cost of Sales: The cost involved in directly producing goods or services per location and weekday.
Orders: The number of orders for the location on a particular weekday.
Units Sold: The number of units sold at a particular location on a particular weekday.
These detailed comparison reports enable you to pinpoint the most valuable aspects of your sales operations, driving strategic decisions and business growth.