Sales reports

Sales per location

This table provides a detailed overview of sales metrics for all locations. It includes data on the total sales excluding tax, sales cost, sales units sold, number of visits, overall discount percentage, sales profit realised, average ticket value, and average number of items in basket.

Sales per product group

This report shows the performance of each product group. It highlights which product groups are performing well and which ones are underperforming. The key metrics here are total sales, sales cost, sales units sold, number of visits, overall discount percentage, sales profit realised, average ticket value, and average number of items in basket. It also includes the total sales and total profits realised in the previous month (Sales LM and Profit LM). It additionally shows month-over-month (MoM) comparisons for the sales and profit. 

Sales per attendant 

This table shows a detailed overview of the sales based on each attendant. It includes data on the total sales excluding tax, sales cost, sales units sold, number of visits, overall discount percentage, sales profit realised, average ticket value, the average number of items in basket and the total sales from the previous month per attendant.  

Sales comparison per product group

This section features a table showing the total sales realized from each product group ranked according to the net sales. The first column shows the product groups, the second column shows the net sales for the selected date range, the third column shows a comparison of the sales from seven days earlier, the fourth column shows a comparison of the sales from a year ago. It also includes two columns  showing the weekly and yearly trend. If the current weeks sales are higher than the earlier week, then the weekly trend will show a green button. If the current sales are higher than the year ago, then the yearly trend will show a green button and a red one if it is a decline.  

Sales comparison per location

This report is similar to the sales per location report. It shows the total sales realized in comparison with the sales from seven days earlier and a year ago.  It also includes the weekly and yearly trend. 

Top products

This report shows a list of the top performing products ranked by the highest sales.  It shows the sales for the selected period, sales frequency, and the sales units sold for each of the products. It also includes comparison columns that compares these metrics from seven days earlier and a year ago. 

Sales per product group and month

This section features a pivot table showing the sales realized from each product group per month according to the date range selected. It shows sales in the selected period for each month and the sales from a year ago. It also shows the grand totals which is a sum of the total sales in the months selected if the date range includes more than a month. It also includes an up/down column that shows the trend; if the sales in the selected period is higher than a year ago it will be green, if the sales in the selected period is lower than the year ago it will be a red and if there is no change (neutral) in the sales, then it will be grey.