Online activity

Shopify provides a wealth of reports that are essential for understanding online sales trends, optimizing your marketing strategies, and enhancing your online presence. In this guide, we'll explore the key types of online activity sales reports and break down what each column represents.

Columns in Online Activity Reports:

Sales by search term

Sales by search term analyze how customers find your products using different search phrases. This report extracts the term used before a customer landed on a specific product or category page in your store. By providing insights into the search terms driving traffic and sales, these reports support your SEO strategies, enabling you to focus on the keywords leading customers to your products.

Sales by campaign medium

Sales by campaign medium give insights into the efficacy of your marketing campaigns. This report shows how your various marketing channels interact with your customers, whether via email, social media, search, or other platforms. For example, if a visitor lands on your site after clicking on a Facebook ad (URL contains 'utm_medium=social'), we understand that it was your social media campaign that attracted and converted the customer.

Sales by campaign name

This report helps you identify the specific campaigns generating the most traffic and conversions. It reveals the campaigns with the highest customer attraction and sales rates. For instance, if you're running a 'Summer Sale' campaign on Facebook or Instagram, we track the customers who visit your site through a link associated with 'Summer Sale'. This report registers sales under your 'Summer Sale' campaign, helping you optimize your ad campaigns by discovering the campaigns with the highest customer engagement and sales.

Sales by campaign source

Similar to the campaign medium report, the sales by campaign source report identifies the specific platform that referred your customers and led to a sale. For example, if a user clicks on a promotional link you shared on Twitter and makes a purchase, that sale would be attributed to Twitter. This data is critical for understanding which platforms drive the most traffic and sales to your website.

Sales by referring site

This report tracks the sites sending you the most traffic. If a customer visits your site after seeing a link posted on Reddit, Reddit will be recorded as the referring site. By identifying the communities discussing and sharing your site, you can engage with them directly or target them in future marketing campaigns.

These sales reports offer valuable insights into your marketing strategies, enabling you to enhance sales and conversions. They are instrumental to the growth and development of your e-commerce store. Harnessing the information from these reports offers a competitive edge, as the fine details can make a significant difference in your business's success. Remember, every click and conversion is a treasure trove of information waiting to be analyzed and acted upon.