Inventory analytics

Analyzing inventory analytics is crucial for efficient business operations and maintaining optimal stock levels. Our reports help you keep track of inventory, forecast sales, and make informed purchasing decisions.

Net Sales Forecast by Product Type

The "Net Sales Forecast by Product Type" report is generated using our advanced forecasting function, which analyses sales history from the past three years. For more information about our forecasting methodology, click here. This report includes:

Purchase Planner

The "Purchase Planner" report simplifies inventory purchasing by considering multiple factors such as sales data, inventory levels, items, and product types. Using our forecasting tool, we calculate demand for the next week, the needed amount, the optimal intake, and the cost of optimal intake. This report includes:

Product Profitability

The "Product Profitability" report identifies the items in your inventory that yield the highest profit. This report includes:

Profitability by Product Type

The "Profitability by Product Type" report is similar to the Product Profitability report but groups items by their larger product type category. This report includes:

Profitability by Vendor

The "Profitability by Vendor" report ranks the profitability of your suppliers, providing essential insights into which vendors contribute most to your bottom line. This report includes: