Forecast reports
Our advanced forecasting function leverages historical data to provide accurate sales unit predictions. This feature allows us to analyze sales trends over the past three years, offering valuable insights for your business planning. To learn more about our forecasting methodology, click here.
In-person orders forecast
The "In-Person Orders Forecast" predicts the number of sales units expected to be sold in physical stores. This report includes:
Week Ending: The end date for each week.
Forecast: The projected number of in-person orders for each week.
Last Year: The number of in-person orders recorded during the same week in the previous year.
Actual: The actual number of in-person orders recorded for each week.
Online orders forecast
The "Online Orders Forecast" provides predictions for sales units purchased through online channels. This forecast includes:
Week Ending: The end date for each week.
Forecast: The projected number of online orders for each week.
Last Year: The number of online orders recorded during the same week in the previous year.
Actual: The actual number of online orders recorded for each week.
Unit sales forecast
The "Unit Sales Forecast" offers a comprehensive prediction of total sales across all channels. This forecast includes:
Week Ending: The end date for each week.
Forecast: The projected number of total orders for each week.
Last Year: The number of total orders recorded during the same week in the previous year.
Actual: The actual number of total orders recorded for each week.