Report designer

With the Report Designer tool you can quickly explore the datastreams, create views using data filters, and add custom metrics to the report.

Report toolbar

Report itself has few properties: Name, Start and End dates, optional Dynamic Context pickers, and View area. View area is paginated and you can sort and filter the data using any column.


In the design mode the following controls will be available in the Report Header section:

Report designer

To use the report designer you need to have one or more datasstreams with data to explore. A datastream is similar to a database table or view. In addition to columns and data the datastream contains information about underlying data sources, dimensionality, data types, formatting and semantics such as column labels and predefined formats.

Each report consists of one or more related datastreams.  To add a datastream to report click ADD DATASTREAM button.

It is possible to define VISUALIZATION for a report. Once defined the report can be used in dashboards. Note that if TABLE visualization is used the number of visible rows is restricted so make sure the report is designed properly.

Report Layout

With report layout it is possible to display only fields that are informative and exclude from the view the fields that are required for calulations, relationships or filters. It is possible to define custom caption and number format for each field. To add field to the layout use the action available in field's popup. It is also possible the change the order of the layout.

In design mode it may be useful to use 'Auto update layout' option to quickly see the changes when adding fields to the report.


Available fields

Each field includes an icon hint about its data type (text, numeric or temporal) and info button. Info button reveals options for this field:

Included Fields

When field is added to the report it can be used in layout and referenced in custom fields. When field is first added to the report the alias will be automatically generated for the field. It is possible to change the alias to something more meaningful in the current context. Custom alias must be unique across all fields and parts (datastreams) including the global part.

Custom fields

Custom fields can be used to add calculated metrics to the report. To create custom field click on the (+) button next to the section header.

Optionally define custom alias (make sure the alias is unique across all fields in the report).

Enter value expression. See formula reference for details. 

Data filters

Any available field can be added to data filters by dragging it to the filter area. In addition to the field you need to provide an operator and value. The following operators are available: is,=,>,<,>=,<=,<>,like,not like,is in,not in,between,in expression,in date range (for temporal fields only), in context, dimension (when using dynamic dimensions in the context; see Dynamic Context reference for details).

'IN DATE RANGE' includes all record where date value in the selected field is between the dates selected in the report header.

'IN EXPRESSION' allows to desfine a custom expression which produces a list of values e.g. context.API.range function. Refer the Context API for details.

'BETWEEN' includes records where the value in the field is in the specified range. Enter two values, comma sepearated. First value denotes lower threshhold, and second value is upper threshhold, e.g. 1,2 includes all values of x where 1<=x<=2.

Comparison operators =,>,<,>=,<=,<> make can be used with any value type.

'LIKE' and 'NOT LIKE' operators allow to perform wildcard text matching on the field using SQL syntax e.g. '%name fragment%'.

'IS' operator allows you to select a single value from a list. When you select this operator the value field turns into the autofill box and you can select value from the list or type to narrow it down towards desired values.

'IS IN' and 'NOT IN' operators allow you to select multiple value from a list to include only selected items or exclude them from report.


When you have more than one datastreams included in the report you need to define relationships between them so that they can be fitted to the same report. For relationship to work both datastreams must have same values in some of the fields. For example, one datastream could be sales data with product IDs and the second datastream could be product catalog with productIDs and some additional fields; by matching the two ID fields it is possible to include additional information about products in the sales report.

To define a relationship:

Global Fields

Global fields are taken from individual datastreams and can be used for further filtering and calculations. Once defined only the global fields can be added to report layout. You can add custom global fields as well.

Calculated metrics

Calculated metrics are available only in the current report.

Click the Add Metric button.

Enter metric name. This can be any string but it is not recommended to include special characters (see below) such as dollar sign ($) or percentage (%).

Enter formula for metric. To include an existing metric in the formula click on the arrow button inside the desired metric field (located in the metric drop area).  The appropriate variable will be inserted automatically to the most recently edited custom metric field. 

Aggregate formulas such as sum must be prefixed with Fn.


The following arithmetic operators are available: +,-,*,/. Calculation precedence can be expressed using parentheses ()

For more detailed instructions please refer the formula section.

As opposed to custom fields the calculated metrics can be referenced in subsequent calculations. In this case you must not use special characters in metric name. Special characters include percentage and dollar signs. To add these to the report use the format field.

How to create a new report?

Click on the NEW report button. If you do not have any reports you can start from scratch. If you delete a report you will be taken to the new report designer with the design of the deleted report. Same applies if you click on the NEW button and have had any report open previously. In this case the most recent design is retained as the starting point. 

Depending on your visual setting the NEW button is located in the home screen, in the reports table if no reports are visible (either not created or do not match selection criteria). New button is always available in the side menu.

How to rename a report?

Any time you change the report's name a new copy will be saved. To rename a report, first give it a new name and delete the old one.

Report sharing

You can share reports within your organization. By default the report is accessible to the account it was created with.

When you click on the `Share` button and save the report it will be available to all accounts within your group indicated with `sharing` icon in the report library. When the report is shared, only the owner can unshare it, or make changes to the filter and structure.

To delete a shared report it needs to be `unshared` first.

How do I copy a report from one site to another?

Whilst there is no special function to copy report from one site to another, or share between sites it is possible to export a report definition and import it to the designer at another site.

In the report designer open the Report Header section and click on the Export Report button to download a JSON file containing the report. To insert the previously downloaded definition click on the Import Report button and paste the entire contents of a previously downloaded JSON file into the text area. Once import has been confirmed the current design will be replaced with the imported one.