
Sales overview

The Sales dashboard gives us insights with a special focus on the sales. 

Location sales

This section is a table showing the total sales in each location ranked according to the net sales. 


This section contains a pie chart displaying a visual representation of the location sales. Each slice of the chart corresponds to a location, with the larger slices indicating higher sales percentages

Category sales

This section features a table showing the total sales in each product category ranked according to the net sales. 


This section contains a pie chart displaying a visual representations of the category sales. Each of the slices represents the category. The category with more sales will have a larger percentage and will take up most of the chart area. Hover over any slice to see the exact sales percentage for that product category.

Sales by day

This section includes a combined bar and line chart that compares the net sales realised on each day of the week in the selected date range, sales from a week earlier and sales from a year ago. 

Sales by hour

This section also features a combines bar and line chart. It compares the net sales realised every hour in the selected date range to the sales from a week earlier and from a year ago. 

Sales heat map

This section features a heat map that shows the total number of items bought in a specific category for the specific period selected by month.

The colours in the heat map represent the total number of items sold in the respective categories for each month. The color intensity ranges from light to dark, indicating the number of items sold, with the darker hues indicating highest sales while lighter hues indicated lower sales. 

Quick sales analysis

This is a table that shows a quick analysis and sales performance in each location. 

Interactive explorer

This is a link to a table, the Data Explorer, that  includes information on sales amounts (with and without tax), sales costs, the number of units sold, and end-of-period costs and quantities. 

Inventory Overview

The Inventory overview dashboard gives us insights with a special focus on the inventory

Inventory performance

This section shows a table that provides a detailed overview of the inventory performance across the various product groups within the selected period. It provides insights into the profitability, inventory efficiency, and sales performance of different product groups.

Inventory composition

This is a pie chart displaying a visual representation of the average cost of inventory for the specific product groups as seen in the inventory performance table. Each slice of the chart corresponds to a product group. The groups with a higher average cost of inventory will have a larger percentage/larger slice and will occupy most of the pie chart area.

Cost vs Sales

This section features a combined bar and line chart that compares the average cost of inventory, sales excluding tax and sales profit for various product groups. 

Interactive explorer

This is a link to a table, Group Performance, that provides insights into the sales performance, profitability and inventory efficiency of the different product groups.

Profitability analysis 

This is a link to a table, Product profitability, that assesses the profitability of each product and classifies it as either Grade A, Grade B or Grade C. It provides a detailed breakdown of the financial performance of the various products. The report is essential in assessing which products are driving profitability and which ones may need further attention.